Pseudorabies is one of those diseases with a really bad name (although it’s a pretty bad disease too). It has nothing to do with rabies. Rather, it’s caused by a herpesvirus; porcine herpesvirus 1. The name "pseudorabies" presumably came into existence because it causes neurological disease that, in some cases, can look like rabies.
Pigs are the reservoir of this virus, and it’s a very important cause of pig disease in some regions. Spillover infections can occur in many different mammals, including dogs, cattle and sheep, and infections in these species are typically fatal.
Pseudorabies is not as widely distributed internationally as rabies, but it is present in wild boars in many regions, including many European countries. Infections in dogs are sporadically reported, typically in hunting dogs infected by contact with wild boars.
Recently, a case of pseudorabies (also known as Aujeszky’s disease) was diagnosed in a dog in Luxembourg, the first diagnosis of the disease in the country since it was identified in domestic pigs in 1999. (Infections in wild boars were suspected in late 2009 but not confirmed.) Few clinical details are provided in the report to the OIE, beyond the fact that the dog died. Contact with "wild species" was listed as the source of the infection, which presumably was contact with wild boars.
Unlike rabies, pseudorabies is not a significant concern in people.