For this blog, I focus my writing on companion animal issues, but our group does much more than that, and a recent study of ours is worth a post here as well.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a huge issue globally. It’s a classic One Health problem with important human, animal and environment aspects, and it’s

In the antimicrobial stewardship area, there are a number of things that would be so easy to address (the “low hanging fruit”) but have received surprisingly little attention. A prime example is human use of antibiotic products intended for use in animals that are purchased over-the-counter (OTC) or over-the internet, without a prescription.  Yes, this

Various times, I’ve asked audiences “What percentage of antimicrobial resistance in humans do you think it attributable to antimicrobial use in animals?

  • Answers pretty much range from 0-100%.

The actual number is probably on the low end of that range, but we really don’t know. It’s such a complex system that a simple

Two reports came out this week, both detailing the scourge of antibiotic resistance.

As part of our research into antibiotic use and resistance, we’re looking at what drives antibiotic prescription, use and compliance. It’s a complex subject and needs to be approached from a variety of angles. One angle is looking at what pet owners perceive or want. To address this, we’ve launched a survey designed to gather

As part of our research into antibiotic use and resistance, we’re looking at what drives antibiotic prescribing, use and compliance. It’s a complex subject and needs to be approached from a variety of angles. One angle is looking at what pet owners perceive or want, as this can be an important influencing factor. To address

The latest companion animal infographic from the Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN) is now available!  Currently the network is working on a series of infographics focused on good antimicrobial stewardship.  Stewardship includes knowing when NOT to use antimicrobials, and what to use when antimicrobials are needed.  Guidance is available from leading veterinary infection control experts, through the open-access ISCAID Guidelines for the diagnosis and antimicrobial therapy of canine superficial bacterial folliculitis (Hillier et al. 2014)Click here to download the infographic in pdf.
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