canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC)


  • Things have been quiet there for a while and this seems to be a nice success story. The two flu clusters that were active in January were contained and nothing new has been seen.


  • Good progress has been made. Few new cases have been identified over the past two weeks.
  • One problematic aspect

Active canine influenza cases are still known to be present in two regions in Ontario.


  • A small number of dogs from the initial cluster of cases in the Orillia/Bracebridge/Gravenhurst region are still shedding the virus, as expected given this virus can be shed by some dogs for a few weeks. The dogs that made

Canine influenza continues to cause problems in Ontario. The central Ontario (Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Orillia) clusters continue to be monitored, with new positives that were expected based on known contact with infected dogs. Whether these clusters have been contained (or are containable) remains to be seen. Testing and contact tracing continues.

As mentioned previously, there was

Now that canine flu has been identified in Ontario, I’ve been inundated with questions, including “what is the risk to people?” It’s often tough getting the right message across, since there are some potential human health risks, but they are very low. The fact that we can’t say “it’s not a concern” sometimes gets taken

Dog cough SSThe latest set of clinical treatment guidelines from the International Society for Companion Animal Infectious Diseases have been published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Lappin et al 2017): Antimicrobial Use Guidelines for Treatment of Respiratory Tract Disease in Dogs and Cats: Antimicrobial Guidelines Working Group of the International Society for Companion Animal Infectious

Disease status

  • Collie soccerThings seem to be slowing down. Whether that’s because of a true decrease in disease or “reporting fatigue” is a good question. However, I’m pretty certain that the outbreak is burning itself out in the areas that were most affected.
  • Sporadic reports of sick dogs are still coming in from a few areas,

Here’s a quick update about what we know… which really isn’t a lot more than yesterday.

  • Case reports continue to roll in from different areas. I suspect the outbreak is burning itself out in Orangeville, but a few new cases are still being reported there.
  • A few other clusters seem to be ongoing in different