Below is a collection of the various COVID-19 related documents that have been posted on Worms & Germs Blog since March 2020.
Guide to Mitigating the Risk of Infection in Veterinary Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic (23-Dec-2021)
Guide to mitigating the risk of infection in veterinary practices during the COVID-19 pandemic (15-Jun-2021)
Guide to mitigating the risk of infection in veterinary practices during the COVID-19 pandemic (14-Apr-2021)
Guide to mitigating the risk of infection in veterinary practices during the COVID-19 pandemic (04-Jan-2021)
Guide to reopening veterinary medicine in Ontario, Stage 3 (24-Aug-2020)
Guide to reopening veterinary medicine in Ontario, Stage 2 (10-Jun-2020)
Guide to reopening veterinary medicine in Ontario (06-May-2020)
Commentary for owners: Risk of COVID-19 from pets (24-Apr-2020)
COVID-19 owner contact decision tree for veterinary clinics (30-Mar-2020):
Triage approach to determining need for physical exam / direct treatment and urgent care (17-Apr-2020)
Veterinary medicine during a time of restriction of elective services and social distancing (07-Apr-2020)
La médecine vétérinaire en période de restriction des services électifs et de distanciation sociale (24-Mar-2020)
Personal protective equipment (PPE) shortages in veterinary medicine (25-Mar-2020)
Blog post translation: Pets of people with COVID-19: What to do if the owner can’t care for them? (Russian)