horse-with-bridleA recent cluster of equine infectious anemia (EIA) cases in Saskatchewan highlights the personal side of EIA control. EIA is a serious insect-borne viral disease of horses that can cause illness ranging from mild to fatal. Some horses recover uneventfully but are then potential sources of the virus for others, and disease can build up

Although at times it may seem that winter is never-ending in parts of Canada, spring is actually only a couple of months away.  Along with spring comes insect season, and along with insects comes more than a few viruses.  One of these is the virus that causes equine infectious anemia (EIA).  This pathogen is

A few years ago, I looked out my kitchen window one holiday morning and saw a newborn foal running outside of a fence line. The foal had been born to my neighbours’ mare, a maiden mare, and they were out of town. The mare had rejected the foal and wasn’t interested in any of my

Equine infectious anemia (EIA) is a rare disease but one that a lot of time, effort and money are put into avoiding. Most people know about this disease by way of the most common test (formerly) used to diagnose it: the Coggin’s test (see image).

Equine infectious anemia is caused by a virus of the


Click on any of the highlighted links below for more information about these horse-related infectious disease topics. Topics that are not highlighted are in development and coming soon. New information will be added as it becomes available, so be sure to check this page regularly for the latest updates.
