Concern (paranoia?) about Ebola in animals has died down lately, which is a good thing. In the meantime, guidelines have been developed to help handle potential animal Ebola-exposure issues, which is also a good thing.

While I’ve been slow posting them, Canadian guidance for management of companion animals potentially exposed to Ebola virus and for

No, not really. Just for the sake of training.

The ongoing Ebola epidemic in West Africa, along with a few "escapes" of the virus into other regions, has brought scrutiny on the potential role of animals (beyond the wildlife reservoirs) in Ebola virus transmission. Concerns have led to development of contingency practices in some regions

Spanish authorities have issued a statement through ProMED-mail about their decision to euthanize the dog owned by a nursing assistant with Ebola virus disease.

Regarding the news [that] appeared in the magazine "Veterinary Record", dated 18 Oct 2014, where it was questioning the scientific reasons on which euthanasia of the dog Excalibur were based, we