
As H5N1 avian influenza continues to spread in wild birds and spills over into domestic birds and mammals of many kinds, we’re becoming more aware of the risks to domestic mammals and there are more questions about test selection and interpretation. Fortunately, testing for H5N1 influenza is relatively straightforward.

  • For cats and dogs, the recommended

Warning: Long post. Lots to unpack here.

As H5N1 avian influenza continues to spillover into domestic animals and people, the question of when to test animals (especially cats) keeps coming up. Testing isn’t just a matter of swabbing a bunch of animals and sending the samples to the lab (which unfortunately is not uncommonly done


Recently, the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) designated leptospirosis vaccination to be a “core” vaccination in dogs. That means it’s recommended for all dogs. I’ve had a lot of veterinarians asking questions about this, since traditionally leptospirosis vaccination has been positioned as “optional” based on an individual dog’s risk of exposure.

I’ve considered this