Here’s a question I get surprisingly often.

I found a dead raccoon (or raccoon poop) in my pool and I’m freaking out about raccoon roundworms. What should I do?

The raccoon roundworm, Baylisascaris procyonis, is certainly a parasite of concern, but it’s also one that often leads to over-reaction and panic. While it can

This morning, as my dog Meg and I went out to get the newspaper, she ran towards our pool fence, barking (pretty unusual for a dog that is afraid of chipmunks). I wondered what the issue was until I saw a black and white tail sticking out. The pool has been closed for the season and

My dog, like most labs, loves to swim (actually, she’s incredibly lazy and prefers to wallow in the water, not actually exert herself). Many dogs like her often go into swimming pools in the summer, which leads to the question "Is this an infectious disease risk?"

The honest answer is we don’t really