Negotiating the world of antiparasitics for dogs and cats can be daunting. With the wide range of products, similarly named products with different ingredients and differently named products with the same ingredients, it’s hard to keep up.
The Ontario Animal Health Network as put together some useful tables that outline antiparasitic products available in Canada and the parasites for which they have label claims. There is a simplified version as well as a more detailed version specifically for veterinarians (Note: an OAHN login is required to access the more detailed version. Veterinarians and veterinary technicians can sign up for free here. OAHN membership also provides access to our quarterly network reports and the opportunity to contribute to surveillance efforts in companion animals through our quick, 5-minute quarterly online survey).
Label claims are the regulatory-approved claims of effectiveness that manufacturers are granted based on the evidence they submit. That doesn’t mean the product won’t work on other parasites or that all products with the same label claim work equally well, but products with label claims against a particular parasite have proven effectiveness.
The tables represent products and claims in Canada. While that’s pretty applicable internationally, some products may have different claims in different countries (not because their parasites are tougher or weaker, but mainly based on regulatory rules and what the company has asked for). As always, products and labels may change, and while we will attempt to keep up with those changes, the table should only be used as a guideline. Owners should always consult their veterinarian and veterinarians should always check the label to ensure the product is right for the animal in question.