I’m always on the lookout for good-looking, easy-access resources to help communicate (and to help others communicate) messages around safe and responsible pet ownership, which is how this blog got its start! I also don’t like re-inventing the wheel when I don’t have to, and I appreciate that many organizations have people with vastly better design and layout skills than my own ;)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the concern around the risks of SARS-CoV-2 both to and from pets (and trying to figure out exactly what those risks are) has certainly highlighted some of the basic infection control measures we recommend around pets (especially dogs, cats and ferrets), like hand hygiene. There has also been a huge surge in puppy and kitten adoptions, which means lots of new pet owners out there who may benefit from some extra guidance and a few quick tips.
The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC)’s Healthy Pets, Healthy People website has come a long way over the years, and now has some really nice content that can be readily shared with pet owners (including prospective pet owners), linked to websites, and even shared on social media. A few items that are worth checking out include:
- How to stay healthy around pets (1 pager, or link to the html webpage)
- Individual species pages for many different kinds of pets, including tabs covering overview, diseases, healthy people, healthy pets and additional resources for each
- Information on animals for specific groups like day cares, animal exhibits, teachers, healthcare providers, transplant patients and more
- Educational materials including ready-to-use social media graphics (like the one above) promoting the One Health concept and healthy habits around pets and other animals