Ontario Animal Health Network Veterinary PodcastsThe companion animal Ontario Animal Health Network has produced a series of mini-podcasts on COVID-19 precautions in veterinary clinics, featuring none other than Dr. Scott Weese.  Each mini-podcast features a quick 3-5 minute “lighting round” on common questions and topics – bite-sized bits for busy practitioners and clinic staff who may only have a few minutes to spare these days.  Current topics include:

  • Avoid the 3 Cs: Crowding, close contact, confined spaces
  • Rethinking clinic spaces: The end of the waiting room and more
  • Masks and the trouble with bubbles
  • Patients and procedures that warrant extra precautions
  • Don’t panic! Talking to clients about SARS-CoV-2 risk to and from pets
  • Staying safe with the swiss cheese approach
  • What’s on your face? The why, when and what of masks and face shields

If you have a COVID-19 related question about which you’d like to hear a podcast or mini-podcast, you can email OAHN at oahn@uoguelph.ca.  Also check out the OAHN COVID-19 resources page for veterinarians. Stay safe!