While this morning’s -7C temperature and snow don’t exactly make me think about sandboxes or wandering around barefoot, warmer weather will presumably occur someday and the risk of outdoor exposure to parasites will start up again.

Since nothing says summer like hookworms, here’s a new info sheet all about hookworms, including information on cutaneous

I received this question the other day:

I just bought sand for a sandbox that I bought new 3 weeks ago. My granddaughter and I were playing in it and I came across some 2 inch long worms. I had a cover on my sandbox from day one so no animals got into it. I

We’ve had some beautiful warm days in southern Ontario lately, and spring – technically – arrives tomorrow (despite the fact that it’s been trying to snow in Guelph even this afternoon!  But hope springs eternal (pardon the pun)).  The picture (right) is Erin, my youngest daughter, enjoying the warmer weather and playing in a sandbox

Beach dog familyMany dog owners love to take their canine companions to the beach with them during the summer. Unfortunately, other people (particularly non-dog owners) sometimes take exception to having Bowser on the beach. These individuals often cite potential infectious disease risks as a reason to ban dogs from the beach.

While there are some potential

A sure sign that spring is approach is the advertising of outdoor summer items in stores. A large pile of sandboxes at one store caught my eye the other day, particularly as it followed a discussion I had with some infectious disease physicians about kids and sandboxes. Sandboxes can be a great thing for kids,


INFORMATION SHEETS specifically for KIDS, for VETERINARIANS, for PHYSICIANS and for PUBLIC HEALTH PERSONNEL are also available on the Worms & Germs RESOURCES page! Click on the highlighted topics below for information sheets. Topics that are not highlighted are in development and coming soon. Sheets for other animal species and